Le Bal des Arts has its roots in acceptance and diversity. As such, I ask everyone to keep these policies in mind when in attendance.

Be polite. Be Kind. Please refrain from making comments that are disparaging in nature, or refrain from giving “advice”, (no matter how well meant) to other people at the event regarding their color, dress, or anything about their appearance, unless explicitly asked. We want this event to be as magical as possible for everyone who comes, and even the smallest microaggression can ruin someone’s entire evening, so please be conscientious and as kind as possible.

Don’t be mean. Don’t harass anyone. No discrimination based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, color, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, etc. will be accepted. Verbal, physical, nonverbal, non physical abuse, hositility or misconduct will not be tolerated.

There will be security there to escort anyone who does not follow these rules out and Salon Society of Chicago maintains the right to ban anyone from future events for infractions of these rules.